Baked snack with broccoli and cheese

After third time deleting written post I am thinking this text will be as it is. Short and filled with empty words. It’s like a curse, but I can not put my words into sentences today. Or maybe I have nothing to say. While in the past I even did write poetry.  It seems that back then my thoughts were endless and drawers full of manuscripts.  Back then I saw everything differently. And now I became only another copy that mimic the crowd. I don’t know if that’s good, but sometimes I miss the old me a little bit…

Baked snack with broccoli and cheese

small broccoli
2 eggs
50 ml of milk
2 handfuls of your favourite grated hard cheese
2 tbsp. of butter

  1. Wash broccoli and cut it in smaller pieces.
  2. In a bowl mix two eggs with milk then add broccoli and grated cheese. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Smear muffins baking form with butter and using spoon put mixture into baking form.
  4. Cook in to 180oC preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes.

Try it hot and cold. It‘s delicious both ways!

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